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Geo-Environmental Solutions .

With conditions below ground being an unknown, ground investigations can play an important role in the progress of any development project. Through their knowledge of potential cause and impact of contamination, our experts help clients to manage risk, costs and overall project certainty.

Geo-Environmental Solutions


Geo-environmental services have a significant role to play in any development project. Conditions below ground represent a significant unknown, so gaining a thorough understanding of existing conditions ultimately delivers greater certainty to a project’s success, and what it’ll cost.

With the continuing focus on brownfield site redevelopment, ground investigations are of key importance. And that means understanding not just a site’s location, but also its history, and that of the surrounding area and its geological make up.

To manage risk and to help meet local planning conditions, potential causes of contamination and impact, both to the environment and human health should be fully understood. To unknowingly purchase a contaminated site can have implication on future liabilities and associated clean up, so early involvement is key.

Geo-Environmental assessment can be tailored to both budget and timeframes, ranging from a non-intrusive desktop assessment and walkover survey to multiple phases of intrusive ground investigation where impacted ground has been identified. Works can help reduce a scheme’s complexity and, with the right planning, increase sustainability through the reuse of materials. It can also impact on land value when completed at pre acquisition phase.

Our BakerHicks specialists are experienced in delivering a range of ground investigations, contaminated land risk assessments, remediation, soil reuse and materials management services across the sectors.

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